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Exhibition participation:
IBA (Germany) 22-26 October 2023
HOST (Italy) 13-17 October 2023
The two most comprehensive international exhibitions for artisanal food and ice cream, pastry and bakery.
The aim is to continue to develop this geographical area, deepening existing relationships with importers and distributors in the sector and to start new ones.
To increase its visibility and product sales in its usual markets; to identify new business opportunities not yet reached in order to be able to reinvest in the technological development increasingly expected by the markets.
Project developed with the financial support of the European Union through a Call for Proposals of the Emilia Romagna Region
Call for proposals: ERDF 2021-2027 – Action 1.3.2 – Call for proposals to support export promotion projects and participation in trade fairs in 2023
Announcement Resolution: Decree 302/2023 of 06 March 2023
Entity: Emilia Romagna Region
Approval: No. 27354 of 29/12/2023 BOLOGNA